Corporate Governance

Merging 23 companies under the umbrella of our four Arms was no easy feat. It took strategic coordination, planning and analyses: As each firm had its own unique operations, ethics and vision, only by uniting them under TAQA Arabia could we offer our diversfied energy solutions throughout the region. This also resulted in the union of a vast store of market experience, which has allowed us to enter new markets with confidence.


By empowering communities where we work with energy, knowledge and lessons in safety, we ensure TAQA Arabia’s prosperity and client loyalty. We know that success for our clients, who range from individual consumers to industrial clients and government bodies, means that we prosper too. Communities with the freedom to choose their own destiny share a wider array of opportunities with their residents and local enterprises, enabling them a better education, work and life. “Our aim is to build long-lasting partnerships that benefit each party.”

Changing Lives

We believe how we govern our company is a reflection of our will to better the world. In our line of business – energy production and distribution – the interests of our shareholders and stakeholders should align. “Passion is energy, feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In TAQA Arabia, we believe that success is not only about financials and returns but more about our social impact and how we can improve the quality of lives for millions of people. This impact is not only by the services we provide to our customers but also about our commitment to the community and great impact that we make in our communities.

TAQA Arabia has always been keen to look and care for the society through many corporate social responsibility practices in many areas and for different aspects.

In Health care: TAQA Arabia has long ago cared for the health of the community, we have constructed a state-of-the-art specialized eye care hospital in Suez area serving all Suez and neighboring cities residents. Recently and due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, TAQA Arabia has been closely monitoring the situation, we have also been able to contribute to the private sector initiative hosted by the AMCHAM Egypt to provide and supply public hospitals with equipment (Ventilators) and several other supplies. TAQA Arabia has also been a major contributor for “Ahl-Masr” Foundation, the first non-profit organization of its kind in the Middle East and Africa dedicated to treating, preventing and researching trauma and burn injuries. 

In Education: TAQA Arabia has always believed that education is one of the great aspects of enhancing people lives thus TAQA Arabia has provided several scholarships to students towards funding the studies of master degree students in the field of renewable energy. The TAQA scholarship covers both tuition fees and living expenses.  Awardees of this scholarship must commit to working for TAQA Arabia for a minimum of three years after completing their studies.


TAQA Arabia’s Board of Directors is committed to overseeing the company’s (TAQA Arabia and its subsidiaries) corporate governance and compliance frameworks ensuring adherence to all applicable laws and stock exchange regulations in all operating countries. Our core values highlight everything we do and form the principle of the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. In addition to, the compliance policies and regulations that govern all stakeholders and employees of the company that are expected to conduct businesses and carry out their duties and responsibilities transparently, responsibly, and with integrity. The Company’s management team is responsible for the implementation of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the compliance committee is responsible for checking and replying to the whistleblowers’ forms submitted.


Whistleblower Form

Whistleblower Form

Grievance Form

Grievance record

Code of Business Conduct

Fraud control

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy


Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy



Sustainability Policy